Brand in Mvimva

BrandWhat a loss in Mvimwa Abbey

500 ducks gone!

The sudden event that happened in the evening of 2nd January 2022, has deeply touched every member of the community. We suddenly lost 500 ducks which were ready for sell. The event happened just the second day after had celebrated the New Year 2022.


Why ducks in Mvimwa? Since three years ago, the community has been struggling a lot with health insurances of the confreres. Health insurances became suddenly very expensive and the community can not afford to pay for every one. After serious discussion and a good research, we came to a decision that we must dedicate a project that will cover our normal health insurance. The concern of the community has been also for the upkeeping of confreres during the old age. This project was destined for that too.


With this fire attack due to electrical short, all our hope is frustrated. We need to start again and continue. Why only ducks? These are special type of ducks that lie eggs almost through out the year, they are resistant to diseases and are expensive. Four ducks covers a yearly heath insurance for a brother. With this project, we can sell live ducks, or flesh or egges. The project was very well calculated in such a way it could really serve the purpose. And the project was already in motion.


We exactly know that risk is part of any business. But in our situation the event has really put us down. Sadly, no health insurances for this year! If someone can hold us a hand and help us to stand again and move with this project, we shall be very thankful.